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Email: 012@sinaekato.com


ቫይኪንግ ማራገቢያ

  • Product Video Customer to the factory feeding video / production of toothpaste video Product Introduction This Machine produced by our company is widely used for manufacturing paste, ointment – like toothpaste, cosmetics, food and chemical industry. የጥርስ ሳሙና አነስተኛ መጠን ያለው መጠን 50L, MAX 5000L ማድረግ እንችላለን. Below is based 2500L instruction: We have advanced production technology, and pursuit innovative in products. At the same time, the good service has enhanced the good reput...
  • ሲና ኢካቶ ቫዩም የመረበሽ ምግቦች የመዋቢያ ዓይነቶች የመዋቢያ ዓይነቶች ምርቶች ጥሩ ናቸው. የጀርመን ቴክኖሎጂ ግብረ ሰዶማዊነትን ያካሂዱ, ሸቀጦቹን የምርጫ ጊዜን ማጨስ ጥሩ ነው. ከደንበኞቻቸው ጋር ለማሟላት የሚፈልጉት ሲና ኢንካታ ብጁ አገልግሎት ይሰጣል, እናም ለደንበኛው ጥያቄ የመቀላቀል ማከማቸት ማበጀት ይችላል.

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